Monica Miragoli

Monica Miragoli was born in Milan where she spends her entire life. She graduated in Sociology at the “Free University of Urbino” with a grade of 110/110 cum laude. She attended a two-year Master for Classroom Trainers at ARIPS (Ass. from the ICF as ACSTH at Roberto Ferrario’s NSL).
From 1993 to 2000 she taught as an expert on the subject at the Faculty of Education at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, at the same time she was a professor of Psycho Sociology at the National School of Animators in Milan.
In the same period, she collaborated with ISTUD for various activities and Supervisor of research internships carried out for Confindustria (the National Confederation of Industry in Italy).
From 2001 to 2005 she taught at the medical faculty of the State University of Milan as a lecturer in “Sociology and Research Methodology” and at the same time became “Training Tutor and Internship Supervisor” at the Bicocca State University, Faculty of Education. She co-operates with Legambiente as a teacher and trainer within the San Vittore prison in Milan and with the Department of Social Security for the training of personnel in charge of helping women victims of violence.
During the entire period from 1984 to 2002, she kept the chair of the ESAE (Body of Education Assistants for Educators) of the Lombardy Region, planning 10 laboratories under the supervision of Prof. Enzo Spaltro.
In 2004 she decided to change sector and joined Athena Management Consulting as Head of Training in the business world until 2007, the Infor Scuola di Formazione until 2009, the ‘ASAM (Management Association of the Catholic University and Methodos) with Giorgio del Mare until 2010. Then it continues with Soges in 2011.
The areas where  Monica has developed the utmost competence are:
As a teacher for business topics:

  1. Team Building
  2. Team Work
  3. How to build an effective communication with the customer.
  4. Customer loyalty.
  5. Conducting meetings.
  6. Leadership to be efficient leaders.
  7. The management and motivation of collaborators.
  8. Improvement of sales force performance.
  9. Public Speaking
  10. Increase business through people’s behavior.
    As a Consultant:
  11.  Internal Company Communication
  12. Mission, Vision and Corporate Values.

As a Coach:
Individual Coaching courses for executives and middle managers.
The companies with which he has worked are:
Liquigas, Rottapharm, MSA (World Leader in workplace safety devices), Vortice, Bic, Poste Italiane, Casiraghi & Greco in the field of communication, Metro SpA, CSM (World leader in semi-finished pastry and bakery products), LND (National Soccer Amateur League) and FGCI (National Football Federation). Today she holds the part-time function of personnel manager for the Change Management project at Clerici Auto, a major car dealer, in Lombardy.

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